When Life Hands You Snow - Pause
This past week the weathermen have been promising lots of snow. Different newscasts have thrown out varying amounts of accumulation and start dates/times. Anyone who's been this side of eternity for any length of time knows better than to take stock in the earliest forecast given. Then, anyone who lives in this general region knows better than to take stock in any forecast given! Regardless, I have spent the week with great anticipation of this year's "Snowmageddon". Like a kid at Christmas, I spent the week watching as the storm moved its way eastward, waiting with child-like glee for it to morph into this ginormous blue blip on the radar.
Yet, as the week went on, neither did the radar develop a big, blue blip nor did it bring the with it the earliest promise accumulation of snowfall. However, that didn't stop me from waking up in the middle of the night to look out my bedroom window for the powdery-white goodness. You see, we were supposed to begin receiving the sparkly flakes in the wee hours. That did not happen. I checked the live radar again and it showed the weather was tracking more north than previously stated - I can image those south of us are happy as they were originally to get the worst of it. Naturally, I went back to sleep.
As weekends are apt to do from time to time, I slept in. I woke up at seven, and what to my wondering eyes did appear? Why tiny, little white drops from heaven covering the ground in soft, quiet mana. And wind. Holy Batman was there some wind! I love to watch how it swirls the snow between our home and the one to the west of us.
I readily admit driving in this wonderland isn't my favorite. Truthfully, neither is the amount of salt that covers my vehicle over these winter months. But one thing that I love the absolute most is how peaceful things are when it snows. It is like the world (or my little part of it) takes a pregnant pause and rests. People slow down. They hunker in and kick their feet up. While the "storm" outside whips and blows, falls and accumulates, and brings its promise of adventure, we sit back and relax. I like winter for that sole reason. Snowfall mandates we slow down.
Life is wrought with so much to do. Lists ever-growing. Places upon places to be. People and meetings, events and calendars, stuff and things to obtain. Then winter. Snow. Sometimes it comes softly and in large graceful flakes drifting peacefully to the ground. Other times, much like this morning, it comes in a smaller form, but in greater abundance carried in a flurry by a wind that demands its deposit quickly. Either way, the outcome is the same for us. Slow down.
I'm in two Bible studies right now. One is self-paced and guided, the other is with a women's group through church. Both studies have different topic tracts, but the same God. He is utterly amazing that way. Usually, I draw a parallel to the study I am in and my blog post. However, today, I don't have one. Yet, I do feel drawn to remind you of one beautiful thing. Something the Lord has spent the better part of two years teaching me.
Slow down and rest in Him. Just like snow causes us to slow down and rest, life's breakneck pace requires we take time to pause and reflect. We were never meant to work tirelessly on our own strength, but to rely on Him and what He has for us. Oh, dear reader, I know this is not easy. Especially if you are anything like me and long to always fix or solve the problem quickly. It is most important in those moments to take a pause, to rest and reflect. And pray. Always pray.
Now, I'm going to grab my mug of coffee and watch the falling snow.
- M
Yet, as the week went on, neither did the radar develop a big, blue blip nor did it bring the with it the earliest promise accumulation of snowfall. However, that didn't stop me from waking up in the middle of the night to look out my bedroom window for the powdery-white goodness. You see, we were supposed to begin receiving the sparkly flakes in the wee hours. That did not happen. I checked the live radar again and it showed the weather was tracking more north than previously stated - I can image those south of us are happy as they were originally to get the worst of it. Naturally, I went back to sleep.
As weekends are apt to do from time to time, I slept in. I woke up at seven, and what to my wondering eyes did appear? Why tiny, little white drops from heaven covering the ground in soft, quiet mana. And wind. Holy Batman was there some wind! I love to watch how it swirls the snow between our home and the one to the west of us.
I readily admit driving in this wonderland isn't my favorite. Truthfully, neither is the amount of salt that covers my vehicle over these winter months. But one thing that I love the absolute most is how peaceful things are when it snows. It is like the world (or my little part of it) takes a pregnant pause and rests. People slow down. They hunker in and kick their feet up. While the "storm" outside whips and blows, falls and accumulates, and brings its promise of adventure, we sit back and relax. I like winter for that sole reason. Snowfall mandates we slow down.
Life is wrought with so much to do. Lists ever-growing. Places upon places to be. People and meetings, events and calendars, stuff and things to obtain. Then winter. Snow. Sometimes it comes softly and in large graceful flakes drifting peacefully to the ground. Other times, much like this morning, it comes in a smaller form, but in greater abundance carried in a flurry by a wind that demands its deposit quickly. Either way, the outcome is the same for us. Slow down.
I'm in two Bible studies right now. One is self-paced and guided, the other is with a women's group through church. Both studies have different topic tracts, but the same God. He is utterly amazing that way. Usually, I draw a parallel to the study I am in and my blog post. However, today, I don't have one. Yet, I do feel drawn to remind you of one beautiful thing. Something the Lord has spent the better part of two years teaching me.
Slow down and rest in Him. Just like snow causes us to slow down and rest, life's breakneck pace requires we take time to pause and reflect. We were never meant to work tirelessly on our own strength, but to rely on Him and what He has for us. Oh, dear reader, I know this is not easy. Especially if you are anything like me and long to always fix or solve the problem quickly. It is most important in those moments to take a pause, to rest and reflect. And pray. Always pray.
Now, I'm going to grab my mug of coffee and watch the falling snow.
- M
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