2018 - A Year In Review

I debated writing a "review" blog this year. Not because I didn't have a mountain of things to reflect upon, but more because I feel like my ability to voice them has been lost. Have you had seasons like that?  Seasons where you have so much to say but lack the ability to put it into adequate words?  Like in years past, I will share a list, in no certain order, of what the last 365 days held.

1. Life. It truly is a gift. I turned 40 last June. Each day seems to go by faster, seasons progress far more rapidly, and the silver shines through at an alarming pace on my head. Yet, the Lord above has seen fit to continually give me another chance to make a difference. I hope with each sunrise I can make Him proud. What a blessing indeed.

2. Marriage. The Mr. and I celebrated three years of wedded bliss this past April. I used to wonder at people who'd say they were married to their best friend and how it was even possible. After all, best friends are those people with whom you share your deepest feelings, biggest dreams, funniest moments, darkest days, hardest lessons learned, smallest victories, and a plethora more with. Then I got to experience it for myself. I am truly married to my best friend. With the fear of sounding cliche (and like a horrible movie line from the '90s), he brings out the best in me - and sometimes the worst. I'm certain he'd say the same.

3. Children. We now have three teenagers and two more in double digits. This house is loud, messy, crazy, but full of love. God gave me the honor of giving birth to three girls. I love each of them and their beautifully unique personalities so very much. I enjoy watching them grow daily and refine their passions and personalities. Let me tell you, with three daughters (two of whom are teens) there is a whole lot of personality! God also gave me the honor of becoming a step-mom to two boys. I love their quirkiness, their growing sense of individuality, and the things they are interested in. Each day we grow as a family I am reminded how beautiful the honor of being a parent is.

 4. Career. I celebrated another year with my current employer. This is also another year outside of the automotive industry. While I can honestly tell you I miss the excitement of automotive, not to mention the inner workings of the commodities themselves, the pace in my current industry has afforded me the opportunities to learn new business ideologies and practices. I work in a very quiet office environment with a group of fabulous people. Going to work each day is peace filled - something to never take for granted. 

5. Friends. People, I've got me an amazing tribe. This year marked twenty-nine years of friendship with one of them. Twenty-eight with another, and twenty-six with yet another.  Imma tell you about life-long friendships. They take work. LOTS of work. Except for when they don't. We are all so vastly different. Our families are at all different stages, too. Two of us have teens/littles in double digits. Three of us are step-parents. One of us became a grandma. And one of us is a mom of two toddlers.  All four of us live in different cities/states, have different careers, aspirations for life, dreams for the future, and political leanings (yes, dear, I threw that in there for you <3). Yet, when we get together, we are simply four friends and pick up as if we hadn't missed a beat. Sure, life has given each of us different roads to traverse, but at the end of the day, we're still here. The four of us.

6. Passions. This is a word that holds a stronger connotation that dreams. It's been said a goal is a dream with a date attached. I firmly believe neither is possible without passion. It is a well-known fact that I have a deep-rooted passion to teach. This passion fuels my dream and has dictated several of my goals. While I had some small wins in achieving this passion (as a profession) over the past year, nothing came to fruition, to date. However, something that the Lord has impressed upon me more and more this past couple of months is that teaching is not always in a classroom and my students are actually related to me. I get the privilege of teaching my children.  I cannot think of a greater opportunity to use my passion. Sure the pay is lousy (HA!) but the benefits - well - it is a package that has no value.

7. Lessons. No "review" is ever complete without the lessons-learned. I've seen a million and one (slight exaggeration) memes on Facebook about how 2018 has been hard and 2019 is going to be "The Year". Honestly, each year is the year. No. Really.  Yes, this past year was the pits, just as the one before it in many ways. However, in hindsight, there were so many wonderful lessons learned. Sadly, many the hard way, but I think that is the best way sometimes - despite my natural inclination to desiring the contrary!

8.  Faith. Oh boy. I could go on for hours about this one, just read #7!  God has certainly worked a number on my faith this past year - in a good way. I'm not a patient person, but He is. He is remarkably patient and always on time. We had a few rounds, He and I, concerning a thing or two. Granted, when I got to the end of my tantrum, there He was with an outstretched hand and a loving smile. He knew. He knows. And He is ALWAYS here. For me. Even when I want to give up and run away. I have found my desire for Him growing stronger, my yearning to know more of Him and to become who He designed me to be to be the center point of all my prayers. I wish I could describe the overwhelming sense of warmth and peace I have in my heart knowing He is mine. My savior. My Comforter. My all-in-all. But more than that. He is yours. He is all of this. For you. I hope you feel it too.

I think that is a good list and sums up my thoughts pretty well this morning. I have no clue what the next year holds, but I do know I will not walk a minute of it alone. I do long for this coming year to be "my year". I'd like to have more wins than losses. I'd like to have more days with smiles than tears. I'd like to have more peace than stress. But I can no more predict the next hour than I can the next year. However, a year from today, when I'm typing up my annual review, I trust we will walk a few similar roads, but with some exciting new descriptions.

Wishing you a joyous New Year and blessings for the days ahead.



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