Free Stuff
OK, I know you were all expecting "Day 3," rest assured it is coming...well, as soon as I figure out how to explain my day with only using shades of red as my adjectives...well...yeah.
Anyhow, back to the free stuff. Yes, I did say free!
So, the wickedly awesome people over at Influenster have this thing called a Vox Box. (No this is not a Dr. Suess type widget!) What this is, is a box of goodies they put together based on surveys you take. How it worked for me...
This past May my friend posted on her FB a photo of the Vox Box of goodies she received from Influenster. Naturally, the words FREE and GOODIES had me typing frantically on my keyboard to get to their site. Super easy this whole process was. I made a log in, took some surveys (you get badges for doing this, which was kind of like bringing back my inner Girl Scout), and waited. Yeah, the waiting is the hardest part, but never fear there are lots and lots of badges to earn while you whittle away at the calendar.
Honestly, I had forgotten about all this until, lo and behold, I got an email saying my Vox Box was on its way. Naturally I squealed with joy, I mean - I NEVER WIN ANYTHING! (The folks in my office weren't as interested in my joy, but hey, it's the little things in life, right?!) It took about a week to get my box, which I got to track its journey to my door as they were so kind as to send a tracking number with the email. But, I'm not here to bore you with the details, so let's just get to the goodies!
My box of goodies included:
1) NYC New York Color IndividualEyes Custom Compact ($4.99) - the angle is a bit off, but this is, at least I am assuming, a "smokey eyes" compact. Truthfully, I'm in my mid 30's, I don't "do" smokey eyes. BUT, what I do love is the primer. I put make-up on at around 5 in the morning, by noon, my eyeshadow has those horrible little creases and I shutter to blink. However, with this, I didn't have that problem. Another bonus is the illuminator...its like this fun shiny-shimmery something that added that little bit of ooomph. (I will give these colors a go again, perhaps I'll find a way to make them all work for me, in some manner or another.)
2) Kiss Ever Pro Lashes Starter Kit ($5.99) - to be honest, my first thought was, oh my "the 80's are calling and Tammie Faye wants her lashes back!" Though, I am quite thankful for this freebie, I can't say I will apply these. Thank you dear Influenster folks, but I'm going to give these to my sister, my much, much younger sister.
3) Bath & Body Works Mini Candles ($3.50) - First, I must say I did NOT get a Bath & Body Works candle, much to my dismay. (Note: I've been a tried and true Gold Canyon customer for many, many years so I have an extremely high expectation for candles.) Second, I have never heard of the brand I did get - White Barn. Third, and I hate to admit it, but the scent I received, Mahogany Teakwood, is horrible. It smells like a cheap cologne, a REALLY cheap cologne. Fear not, all is not lost, it has become fuel for my littlest little's pumpkin!
4) EBOOST - $28 for box of 20 effervescent powders (etc, etc) - Tang. That's it in one word! I really wish I'd have put this in a fruit juice other than plain water, but it reminded me of Tang. Can't say I'd run out and buy this anytime soon, due to the cost and all, but it was good and would gladly drink it again.
5) Goody Simple Styles Spin Pins ($7.29) - I was really unsure about these. One, I have thin hair; two, it is only a couple inches past my shoulders; and three, well I'm not THAT great at the whole hair thing. I have tried, unsuccessfully mind you, many times to put my hair in a bun, the result has always be an epic failure. However, just today I decided to throw caution to the wind and give 'er a go. First all I have to say is - SQUEEE! This worked! Even on my not so long, thin hair and with my non-existent hair sculpting talents! I am definitely going to get a lot of use out of these!
6) Not Your Mother's Kinky Moves Curl Defining Hair Cream ($6.00) - Admittedly the name of the product would have been a total show stopper for me had I seen it on the store shelves, but free is free and in the spirit of all things fun, I tried it. First, this is not moose. It will not leave your hair weighted down. Second, if your curls are not naturally there regardless of what you do to your hair, this may not work. Third, I have a natural, wave - not curls. Meaning, by mid day, my hair looked rather frumpy. However, I'm sure I missed a step and there is a secret to success where this product is concerned.
Finally, my favorite product of all:
7) Vitabath Fragrance Mist - I got the Grapefruit Vanilla. All I can say is my address is .... and I will take a semi load, thank you! This scent is fun, earthy, a bit musky (which I was thrown for thinking it would be fruity), and just AMAZING! I don't wear many perfumes, mostly body sprays. My favorite is Bath & Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar. I now have a new favorite. The only problem is finding which retailer stocks it!
Anyhow, back to the free stuff. Yes, I did say free!
So, the wickedly awesome people over at Influenster have this thing called a Vox Box. (No this is not a Dr. Suess type widget!) What this is, is a box of goodies they put together based on surveys you take. How it worked for me...
This past May my friend posted on her FB a photo of the Vox Box of goodies she received from Influenster. Naturally, the words FREE and GOODIES had me typing frantically on my keyboard to get to their site. Super easy this whole process was. I made a log in, took some surveys (you get badges for doing this, which was kind of like bringing back my inner Girl Scout), and waited. Yeah, the waiting is the hardest part, but never fear there are lots and lots of badges to earn while you whittle away at the calendar.
Honestly, I had forgotten about all this until, lo and behold, I got an email saying my Vox Box was on its way. Naturally I squealed with joy, I mean - I NEVER WIN ANYTHING! (The folks in my office weren't as interested in my joy, but hey, it's the little things in life, right?!) It took about a week to get my box, which I got to track its journey to my door as they were so kind as to send a tracking number with the email. But, I'm not here to bore you with the details, so let's just get to the goodies!
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My box of goodies! |
1) NYC New York Color IndividualEyes Custom Compact ($4.99) - the angle is a bit off, but this is, at least I am assuming, a "smokey eyes" compact. Truthfully, I'm in my mid 30's, I don't "do" smokey eyes. BUT, what I do love is the primer. I put make-up on at around 5 in the morning, by noon, my eyeshadow has those horrible little creases and I shutter to blink. However, with this, I didn't have that problem. Another bonus is the illuminator...its like this fun shiny-shimmery something that added that little bit of ooomph. (I will give these colors a go again, perhaps I'll find a way to make them all work for me, in some manner or another.)
2) Kiss Ever Pro Lashes Starter Kit ($5.99) - to be honest, my first thought was, oh my "the 80's are calling and Tammie Faye wants her lashes back!" Though, I am quite thankful for this freebie, I can't say I will apply these. Thank you dear Influenster folks, but I'm going to give these to my sister, my much, much younger sister.
3) Bath & Body Works Mini Candles ($3.50) - First, I must say I did NOT get a Bath & Body Works candle, much to my dismay. (Note: I've been a tried and true Gold Canyon customer for many, many years so I have an extremely high expectation for candles.) Second, I have never heard of the brand I did get - White Barn. Third, and I hate to admit it, but the scent I received, Mahogany Teakwood, is horrible. It smells like a cheap cologne, a REALLY cheap cologne. Fear not, all is not lost, it has become fuel for my littlest little's pumpkin!
4) EBOOST - $28 for box of 20 effervescent powders (etc, etc) - Tang. That's it in one word! I really wish I'd have put this in a fruit juice other than plain water, but it reminded me of Tang. Can't say I'd run out and buy this anytime soon, due to the cost and all, but it was good and would gladly drink it again.
5) Goody Simple Styles Spin Pins ($7.29) - I was really unsure about these. One, I have thin hair; two, it is only a couple inches past my shoulders; and three, well I'm not THAT great at the whole hair thing. I have tried, unsuccessfully mind you, many times to put my hair in a bun, the result has always be an epic failure. However, just today I decided to throw caution to the wind and give 'er a go. First all I have to say is - SQUEEE! This worked! Even on my not so long, thin hair and with my non-existent hair sculpting talents! I am definitely going to get a lot of use out of these!
6) Not Your Mother's Kinky Moves Curl Defining Hair Cream ($6.00) - Admittedly the name of the product would have been a total show stopper for me had I seen it on the store shelves, but free is free and in the spirit of all things fun, I tried it. First, this is not moose. It will not leave your hair weighted down. Second, if your curls are not naturally there regardless of what you do to your hair, this may not work. Third, I have a natural, wave - not curls. Meaning, by mid day, my hair looked rather frumpy. However, I'm sure I missed a step and there is a secret to success where this product is concerned.
Finally, my favorite product of all:
7) Vitabath Fragrance Mist - I got the Grapefruit Vanilla. All I can say is my address is .... and I will take a semi load, thank you! This scent is fun, earthy, a bit musky (which I was thrown for thinking it would be fruity), and just AMAZING! I don't wear many perfumes, mostly body sprays. My favorite is Bath & Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar. I now have a new favorite. The only problem is finding which retailer stocks it!
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