"Day" 1 - A Definition

I forewarned you that my "days" would not be literal; the fact I'm just now getting to day 1 is a good indication I was not wrong.  I didn't realize how hard this challenge was.  I mean, they seemed so easy when I was typing them in.  It is hard to unthink a "known" definition of a word.  In fact, I think it may even be easier to think of a new word altogether.  (This is something I actually do, or rather I combine random words and phrases to create utter strangeness, my bestie calls these mandyisms. I concur!) However, day 1 has been set, and the challenge I must complete.  I'm no quitter after all!

There were so many words that I tossed around for this one.  In fact, while streaming the VP debate last night I actually wrote this post and had used the word - stress.  After the debate I reread it and realized that it wasn't a good representation of me or my writing, so I scrubbed it.  Perhaps because some would call it malarky?!  (Sorry, couldn't refrain!)

Anyhow, the word I really want to re-define is blessing.

People can be a blessing, things can be a blessing, good news, extra time to complete a task, random acts of kindness, the kiss of a loved one, etc.  All of these can be blessings.  But what really is a blessing?  Seems easy enough, right?  To me a blessing is a thought, an action, a person, a circumstance, and a thing that brings peace to your day.  In fact, just today I was blessed in these ways:

Another day given to me by the Lord.

My husband ordered lunch so I could have something hot when I got home from work at lunch time today.

The fact that I got to work close to home for the first half of the day.

My littlest little telling me I was beautiful.  (She is so sweet and kind and loving and precious and...)

My oldest little helping me in the kitchen without being told,  just because she wanted to. (She's a pre-teen, the mood swings are as ginormous as the grand canyon.)

My middle little reading the instructions herself and figuring it out and then doing it. (This is HUGE, she is the epitome of drama!)

My job, the pay it brings in, and the honor of getting to go back on Monday.  (Even after 14+ years with this company I am still blessed and thankful for it.)

My husband.  (<3 <3 <3)

My Kindle.  (I have new books on there.)

Finals next week. (I'm ready to finish these classes.)

So, you see, there are so many blessings in my life. These are specific to everyone.  Actually, we all have blessings - each and every one of us.  Oh, yes, I agree sometimes we have to dig deep, really, really, super deep to find them, but they are there.  They are the things that when you  stop thinking of what isn't you realize you have had what is all along.

May you find your definition of blessing today.


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