Free Stuff

OK, I know you were all expecting "Day 3," rest assured it is coming...well, as soon as I figure out how to explain my day with only using shades of red as my adjectives...well...yeah. Anyhow, back to the free stuff. Yes, I did say free ! So, the wickedly awesome people over at Influenster have this thing called a Vox Box. (No this is not a Dr. Suess type widget!) What this is, is a box of goodies they put together based on surveys you take. How it worked for me... This past May my friend posted on her FB a photo of the Vox Box of goodies she received from Influenster. Naturally, the words FREE and GOODIES had me typing frantically on my keyboard to get to their site. Super easy this whole process was. I made a log in, took some surveys (you get badges for doing this, which was kind of like bringing back my inner Girl Scout), and waited. Yeah, the waiting is the hardest part, but never fear there are lots and lots of bad...