
2022 Word of the Year

 This word came to mind a few weeks ago, and try as I might to find something a little more...casual, I could not. Without fail, this word came back time and again through conversation, in reading, and during moments of reflection. Perhaps it was the Lord's way of telling me what I need to focus on and how to make my goals and his will come together. Alignment. By itself, this word is really rather dull; even the dictionary definition lacks excitement.    1. an arrangement in a straight line or in a correct or appropriate relative position(s)    2. a position of agreement or alliance Alignment. Then it hit me. Reflection often has that impact (pun intended)! Think with me for a moment. Have you ever had a horrible backache? One that felt like every single one of your vertebrae was walking helter-skelter on a slippery tight rope? Yet, was clenching every fiber of its construct into a tight ball to ensure it would not fall? Painful, right? Or what about when you m...

Looking Back on 2021

 I cannot believe where this journey called life has taken me. Sure, I have left a few of you out of the travel plans...ok...pretty much over two years worth of blogging, but who is counting?! For the brevity's sake I will provide the highlights: 8/2019 - accepted into a doctoral program 10/2019 - started a new job 11/2029 - elected Secretary of our County's women's club 12/2019 - became foster parents 2/2020 - Covid restrictions 5/2020 - lost my job due to Covid 6/2020 - oldest child graduated high school 8/2020 - started subbing in local school districts 5/2021 - lost my adjunct professor position due to Covid (enrollment #s) 7/2021 - adopted our foster daughter 8/2021 - offered and accepted a job as a teacher at a local school 11/2021 - elected President of our County's women's club 12/2021 - completed all of the course work for the doctoral program 12/27/2021 - Today :) You are now caught up. First, I need to share that everything over the past couple of years h...

The Words

 I have written tens of thousands of words over this past year and a half. Those words have brought me to tears - tears filled with anger, frustration, fear, joy, and sadness. Some words I have put on paper for others to read, and some I will keep for myself. Those are my words. I read an article yesterday, or maybe it was the day before, that shared a famous author's outlook on the importance of writing and the success that comes from it. In a nutshell, he said - just do it. I wonder if Nike has a pair of shoes to go with that sentiment?! I am a full-time student. I am also a full-time mom, wife, and housekeeper. For added joy, I am a part-time substitute in several area high schools. One would think with this mix of influence, I would have many words to share. I don't. Yet, I do. See, words are the things that fly through my mind when I do not have a pen and paper, a keyboard and time, or a device to record my thoughts. These are the profound words I tell myself I will rememb...

Pray, then Listen

I've always been amazed by those who hear the Lord speak to them and they fully know it is Him. I used to long in ways I never understood to have that same thing happen to me. Oh, hear me on this, it wasn't that He wasn't speaking, rather it was I who wasn't hearing. There's Speaking. Then there's Hearing. But both require Listening. Oh, not only to have ears that hear but a heart that listens. A few weeks ago, while doing my morning devotions, I felt the Lord nudging me. Wait, I need to back up a bit. I love learning. Honestly, more than I love teaching and you all know, well at least those of you who have read this blog for any length of time, how much I love to teach. I digress. For the last six months or so I had been doing in-depth Bible studies. Not your run of the mill read and fill in the blank ones, no these were dig-your-heals-in, read the text, learn the original Greek/Hebrew, draw parallels, and expose the very fiber of your soul studies. Y...

When Life Hands You Snow - Pause

This past week the weathermen have been promising lots of snow. Different newscasts have thrown out varying amounts of accumulation and start dates/times. Anyone who's been this side of eternity for any length of time knows better than to take stock in the earliest forecast given. Then, anyone who lives in this general region knows better than to take stock in any forecast given! Regardless, I have spent the week with great anticipation of this year's "Snowmageddon". Like a kid at Christmas, I spent the week watching as the storm moved its way eastward, waiting with child-like glee for it to morph into this ginormous blue blip on the radar. Yet, as the week went on, neither did the radar develop a big, blue blip nor did it bring the with it the earliest promise accumulation of snowfall. However, that didn't stop me from waking up in the middle of the night to look out my bedroom window for the powdery-white goodness. You see, we were supposed to begin receiving...

2018 - A Year In Review

I debated writing a "review" blog this year. Not because I didn't have a mountain of things to reflect upon, but more because I feel like my ability to voice them has been lost. Have you had seasons like that?  Seasons where you have so much to say but lack the ability to put it into adequate words?  Like in years past, I will share a list, in no certain order, of what the last 365 days held. 1. Life. It truly is a gift. I turned 40 last June. Each day seems to go by faster, seasons progress far more rapidly, and the silver shines through at an alarming pace on my head. Yet, the Lord above has seen fit to continually give me another chance to make a difference. I hope with each sunrise I can make Him proud. What a blessing indeed. 2. Marriage. The Mr. and I celebrated three years of wedded bliss this past April. I used to wonder at people who'd say they were married to their best friend and how it was even possible. After all, best friends are those people with wh...

The Journey in The Quest

I've been pretty quiet lately. Life has had its way of late. You know, those moments that turn into hours, which inevitably turn into days, then eventually weeks become, well, ultimately they become longer than you anticipated? Yes, those.  There's an old adage that says something along these lines -"The road of life is paved with good intentions," and yet another that says, "Life is what happens while you are making other plans." I don't know about you, but wouldn't it be nice if life just calmed down for a moment and let you have a say in it?! I recently finished a six week Bible Study called, The Quest , by Beth Moore. Ironically, the first day of this study was also a day that was immensely difficult for my husband, and in turn, me. For preservation's sake, I will not share the details of it, but know it was a storm that we did not want to weather and assuredly worked to negotiate any possible outcome that would prevent its occurrence. Agai...