A Season For Every Activity Under Heaven
I need to be honest here, I haven't had the passion to write lately. I feel like all of my words have been stolen from me, that while I've had many things to share and reflect upon, the ability to pen them has been out of my reach. Why? We are in a season. I am in a season. This season started in October of last year, but we didn't feel the full force of it until spring of this year. Since then it has been one opportunity after another to learn more of God's grace and goodness. People, He is so very good, and He is faithful. For that, I am confident that He is still creating a good work in me (Philippians 1:6.
Despite that, we haven't been relieved of the lessons this season is teaching us. In fact, the most recent couple of months have brought even more trials our way. And with those, so much more heartache and pain. However, I am finding peace. I have no idea where it is coming from. None. Oh, that is not true at all. God is the source of this. He alone has had the power to bring me comfort during this time in my life.
And perhaps that is it. Perhaps that is why the words have eluded me. I have been so focused on how to put into words the issues we are facing, that I've negected what is tuly at work here. God is at work, people. He is always at work. We don't have the answers yet. No, they are still being worked out, but we are, I am, praying God's goodness and truth shine through. I am praying for open eyes and full disclosure. I am praying for lives to not be destroyed by the choices another is making. And for that other person, I am praying for them, too. I am praying they find just how much they are loved by a Savior who died for them. That He alone can provide what they are looking for - not the route they are chosing.
But I can't leave it at that. This is not about them. This is about me. And it is about what the Lord is trying to teach me. What He is trying to show me and work in me. Like this week. This week I have barely slept, yet I have been able to rest. I swear each day has lasted an eternity as more information came our way, but am blessed the weekend arrived so quickly becasue I'm eagerly anticipating church tomorrow. Church, where I can worship, with my church family, the one who's given me a family to love and care for and the passion to fight for it. Because right now - our season - it is all about fighting for our/my family. And while I have no idea what He's going to do, I do know He fights for me. For us. To be completely honest, I am full of eager anticipation for what God's going to do.
I know He is going to do something. He always does. I don't know what it is, but it will be good because He is good. And likely, it will be different from what we/I could imagine for and I am actually thankful for that. It is comforting to know I don't have to stress the details, I just have to trust Him to take care of them. Sure we have requirments and are doing our part in the process, but we are holding firm in Him. On that note, I have one more thing that I want share. These past couple days there has been a few song lyrics I can't get out of my mind. They popped in randomly and have taken over so completely I have turned them into my prayer, my petition to the Lord.
Father, break my heart for what breaks yours. With that, show me how I can be your hands and feet. Show me how I can serve others, and you, through this. Show me how to use this to help others. Show me how I can be the woman, the teacher, you want me to be. Because, Father, this breaks my heart. The issues we are working through - that many families are working through - break your heart. Broken families, Lord, break your heart. Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours.
While that is all I can share in this post due to the nature of the issue, know that God knows each detail intimately. And even more than that, know He is in control. I fully believe this because He says in His word, He fights for me, for us ; I, we need only be still (Exodus 14:14).
To listen to the song referenced above, click here.
Hoping you have a blessed week and hold your Littles and love on your family a little more.
Love, M
Despite that, we haven't been relieved of the lessons this season is teaching us. In fact, the most recent couple of months have brought even more trials our way. And with those, so much more heartache and pain. However, I am finding peace. I have no idea where it is coming from. None. Oh, that is not true at all. God is the source of this. He alone has had the power to bring me comfort during this time in my life.
And perhaps that is it. Perhaps that is why the words have eluded me. I have been so focused on how to put into words the issues we are facing, that I've negected what is tuly at work here. God is at work, people. He is always at work. We don't have the answers yet. No, they are still being worked out, but we are, I am, praying God's goodness and truth shine through. I am praying for open eyes and full disclosure. I am praying for lives to not be destroyed by the choices another is making. And for that other person, I am praying for them, too. I am praying they find just how much they are loved by a Savior who died for them. That He alone can provide what they are looking for - not the route they are chosing.
But I can't leave it at that. This is not about them. This is about me. And it is about what the Lord is trying to teach me. What He is trying to show me and work in me. Like this week. This week I have barely slept, yet I have been able to rest. I swear each day has lasted an eternity as more information came our way, but am blessed the weekend arrived so quickly becasue I'm eagerly anticipating church tomorrow. Church, where I can worship, with my church family, the one who's given me a family to love and care for and the passion to fight for it. Because right now - our season - it is all about fighting for our/my family. And while I have no idea what He's going to do, I do know He fights for me. For us. To be completely honest, I am full of eager anticipation for what God's going to do.
I know He is going to do something. He always does. I don't know what it is, but it will be good because He is good. And likely, it will be different from what we/I could imagine for and I am actually thankful for that. It is comforting to know I don't have to stress the details, I just have to trust Him to take care of them. Sure we have requirments and are doing our part in the process, but we are holding firm in Him. On that note, I have one more thing that I want share. These past couple days there has been a few song lyrics I can't get out of my mind. They popped in randomly and have taken over so completely I have turned them into my prayer, my petition to the Lord.
Father, break my heart for what breaks yours. With that, show me how I can be your hands and feet. Show me how I can serve others, and you, through this. Show me how to use this to help others. Show me how I can be the woman, the teacher, you want me to be. Because, Father, this breaks my heart. The issues we are working through - that many families are working through - break your heart. Broken families, Lord, break your heart. Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours.
While that is all I can share in this post due to the nature of the issue, know that God knows each detail intimately. And even more than that, know He is in control. I fully believe this because He says in His word, He fights for me, for us ; I, we need only be still (Exodus 14:14).
To listen to the song referenced above, click here.
Hoping you have a blessed week and hold your Littles and love on your family a little more.
Love, M

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