My Dog
This morning while I was out on my run I got to talking with the Lord. Let me start there. Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows how much I love to run, for those who are new to this, it's kind of another thing I do. Any how, since my relenting to go to doctors...and surgery later...phew that is a mouthful, I'm back at it. Slowly, of course. Ever so painstakingly slow. You may be wondering how any of this has to do with my dog. No, she is not a runner. LOL.
Anyhow, during that time of talk, I started thinking of Miss Clarabelle. Look at her face. Just look! Isn't she beyond precious? She is the most loving, loyal, fluffy, funny, energetic, and adorable dog in all the world. (Yes, this is tinted with a slight hue of bias.)
During this talk, it was brought to light the similarities between pet ownership/relationship and that of a person's walk with the Lord. No, really.
In the beginning, this precious little fluff ball, who fit into my hands, was simply too much. By that, I couldn't put her down. I wanted to hold her and cuddle her and make sure she had everything she needed. I think that is the way when we first get to know the Lord. We are so gung-ho. I know I was. I couldn't read enough, get to church enough, study enough, fellowship enough - you get the picture. It was simply too much (in a good way, of course).
Then as Miss Clarabelle started to grow a little more, and I didn't have to worry so much about her being safe, I spent a little less time doting on her and more time going about life. Now, I never ignored her. First of all, one doesn't simply have a Maltese and NOT pamper, spoil, is somewhat part and parcel. However, the consistency and intensity of the doting was simply not necessary. Work with me here when I say, in our walk with the Lord, there are times when we think the consistency and intensity aren't necessary. However, we couldn't be more wrong. In fact, when we get to that point, it is when it is all the more important.
Which leads me to the next thought. After the painstaking toilet training process, Miss Clarabelle is still a subtle tell. We never got to the bell on the door trick, the bark at the door command, or any other audible notices. No, this precious little girl will come up to you, sit, look, get up, walk in a circle, and sit. It is all so cute. In fact, if you are new to knowing her you will think all she wants is picked up and held, petted, talked too, played with, etc. However, that is not the case. Sadly it took, and ashamedly still takes, the trained art of listening/watching intently.
I think this is the same with the Lord. He doesn't always sound a gong, yell out a command, or provide any other audible notice. No, he uses the still small voice. And if we aren't in tune with that voice we are going to step into a little piddle or poo. Sometimes it is fresh and sometimes it is a little older (meaning it catches up to us).
I know there have been times when Miss Clarabelle has been telling me she needs let out and I have been so caught up in what I am doing I have missed it or even flat out ignored it (naively thinking if she can only wait a few more minutes...). Later, after I find it (shes not so good at hiding her duty) and she is punished I often wonder who is to blame. After all, I was the busy one. Then I thought about all of the times I've stepped into some really big life messes, some while fresh, and some not so fresh, all because I was so wrapped up in doing it my way I missed hearing (or even worse flat out ignored) the voice of the Lord telling me the way to prevent it.
Such a simple analogy this morning. It amazes me the ways the Lord uses the non-complex things in life to teach me things. I guess there is a reason why DOG can be and has been used as an acronym for - Depend On God.
Anyhow, during that time of talk, I started thinking of Miss Clarabelle. Look at her face. Just look! Isn't she beyond precious? She is the most loving, loyal, fluffy, funny, energetic, and adorable dog in all the world. (Yes, this is tinted with a slight hue of bias.)
During this talk, it was brought to light the similarities between pet ownership/relationship and that of a person's walk with the Lord. No, really.
In the beginning, this precious little fluff ball, who fit into my hands, was simply too much. By that, I couldn't put her down. I wanted to hold her and cuddle her and make sure she had everything she needed. I think that is the way when we first get to know the Lord. We are so gung-ho. I know I was. I couldn't read enough, get to church enough, study enough, fellowship enough - you get the picture. It was simply too much (in a good way, of course).
Then as Miss Clarabelle started to grow a little more, and I didn't have to worry so much about her being safe, I spent a little less time doting on her and more time going about life. Now, I never ignored her. First of all, one doesn't simply have a Maltese and NOT pamper, spoil, is somewhat part and parcel. However, the consistency and intensity of the doting was simply not necessary. Work with me here when I say, in our walk with the Lord, there are times when we think the consistency and intensity aren't necessary. However, we couldn't be more wrong. In fact, when we get to that point, it is when it is all the more important.
Which leads me to the next thought. After the painstaking toilet training process, Miss Clarabelle is still a subtle tell. We never got to the bell on the door trick, the bark at the door command, or any other audible notices. No, this precious little girl will come up to you, sit, look, get up, walk in a circle, and sit. It is all so cute. In fact, if you are new to knowing her you will think all she wants is picked up and held, petted, talked too, played with, etc. However, that is not the case. Sadly it took, and ashamedly still takes, the trained art of listening/watching intently.
I think this is the same with the Lord. He doesn't always sound a gong, yell out a command, or provide any other audible notice. No, he uses the still small voice. And if we aren't in tune with that voice we are going to step into a little piddle or poo. Sometimes it is fresh and sometimes it is a little older (meaning it catches up to us).
I know there have been times when Miss Clarabelle has been telling me she needs let out and I have been so caught up in what I am doing I have missed it or even flat out ignored it (naively thinking if she can only wait a few more minutes...). Later, after I find it (shes not so good at hiding her duty) and she is punished I often wonder who is to blame. After all, I was the busy one. Then I thought about all of the times I've stepped into some really big life messes, some while fresh, and some not so fresh, all because I was so wrapped up in doing it my way I missed hearing (or even worse flat out ignored) the voice of the Lord telling me the way to prevent it.
Such a simple analogy this morning. It amazes me the ways the Lord uses the non-complex things in life to teach me things. I guess there is a reason why DOG can be and has been used as an acronym for - Depend On God.
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