The Forest for the Trees
There comes a time in life where you expect to have finally arrived. What that arrival looks like for you is wholly dependent upon the thing(s) that drive you. Me, I wanted to have a career I cared about and a feeling of self-worth. Before you click off and chose something else to read, hear me out on this. I have long maintained my favorite book of the Bible is Ecclesiastes; it still is. I love that book for a myriad of reasons, but most of all because the author got it. He just did. Solomon was a great guy. He had more wisdom than anyone else in all of history and yet still had issues. I love the story of how he became the wisest person to ever be. When he came into power, so-to-speak, the Lord asked him to name whatever it was that he wanted. He could have the cattle on 1000 hills, he could be stronger than any man alive, he could, well, be anyone and anything. Instead, he, in all his humbleness, simply asked for...