Day 14: My Favorite Movie

It appears I'm back to the ideas found off of Pinterest.  I did share yesterday this would a hard app to give up, obviously not there yet.  Baby steps.  Ha!  I stumbled across a new list in my pinning spree yesterday and I just couldn't wait to write about this one.  I know, seems silly, it is just a movie after all.  Yet, it is more than that, it is several in fact.  I am one of those people who have a favorite movie by genre and I am most certain from the list I am about to share I am going to "age" myself.  HA!

Romance - You've Got Mail (There is just something altogether magnetic with the way Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan come together.)
Suspense - Silence of the Lambs (I can't quite describe what it is about this movie that I find so intriguing. Regardless, Anthony Hopkins is a genius.)
Comedy - The Whole Nine Yards (I laugh until I cry every.single.time.)
Drama - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Kevin Costner, he may be old now, but he wasn't then...dreamy...)
Sci-fi - Stars Wars Trilogy (The originals, only the originals. True story lines...LOVE IT!)
Action - Die Hard Trilogy (I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but Bruce Willis ages well...and I still love his movies!)
Animated - Cinderella (I'm a girl, what can I say.  We all want fancy shoes and a guy to pick us first.)
Western - Maverick (So, maybe this isn't a "true" western, but is funny and they sing and there's the "wild west".  It works for me!)
Super Hero - Iron Man (I love a lot of superhero movies.  This one won by a narrow margin mostly because of the story line.

It isn't that Hollywood hasn't pumped out some good movies since.  Sure they've had many over the years that I have thoroughly enjoyed, but this is about favorites, and well, these take the cake.

Anyhow, this post was meant to be short and sweet.  Apparently, there is a big game on the TV tonight and since we don't have TV we're going to enjoy the commercials at someone else's house.  Go, Team!


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