Day 2: 30 Interesting Facts

Day 2 of this 30-day challenge and I think I spent more time looking for a topic than I will have to on the writing bit!  Naturally, I went to Pinterest and after pinning several new lists, settled in on this topic: 30 interesting facts about yourself.  I got this!!!

1)  I love to read non-fiction.  This is something that has only come about in the past few years as story books started losing their appeal.  I will pick one up every once in a while, but for the most part, it's true stuff only for me!
2)  I don't have TV.  Gasp!  I know.  How completely un-American can I be? LOL.  We have the Netflix and Amazon Prime so if there is something I feel I need to sit and waste an hour or so of my life watching, I have the option available to me.
3) I do not like pop music.  Never have, even in my younger years. It's all rather tired and boring.  I prefer classic rock (which in my defense was pop-culture before my time!)
4) I have an eclectic style in everything - clothes, decorating, etc.  I don't follow a set of trendy rules.  I kind of just go after what makes my heart smile.  It's so much more comfy that way and my people seem to like it too!
5) I started out my college career as an engineering major.  I quickly realized math and I are not as tight as we were before the alphabet got involved.
6) I love antiques. Old things make my heart smile.  I love to think of all the memories they have seen, what they must have looked like and been used for when they were first lovingly used.
7) I am BIG into recycling.  I think a bit too much at times; I drive my people nuts with it.  However, my oldest Little is now in the Tree-Huggers Club at school and is using her vast knowledge to teach the younger kids.
8) I love teaching.  It is the one thing that, when I think about it, makes my eyes well up with tears and I long to make my life's dream. I firmly believe teachers are a blessing and hold an honorable roll.  Hat's off to all of them - for every grade/subject level.
9) Our home is almost 120 years old.  She's drafty, creaky, not quite level in some places, temperamental when it comes to adornment (can't nail into the walls!!), but oh is she beautiful.  I have pictures from when she was first built and from how the original homeowners used the spaces - simply amazing.
10) We have a four-legged "child" who is the unofficial queen of our space.  She is so loved by everyone and spoiled rotten!  We love our Miss Clarabelle and are thankful we could give her a loving home to live in.
11) I love to tinker with crafts.  There are times I get a hair-brained idea, go after it with 100% gusto, and when I find out I'm not quite as talented as I'd hoped to be, I end up with a pile of useless things for the Littles to tinker with.  Anyone need a box of yarn?  #failedatcrochetingablanketmuch
12) My girls are getting a new step-mom today.  The ex-Mr. is getting married.  I am quite excited for them.  Their step-mom is a great person and someone with whom I have the pleasure of calling, friend.  I could be all those horrible, stereo-typey things but what is the purpose in that?  It creates a whole slew of ick that is simply not necessary nor worth it. Besides, we are both the product of someone else's choice.  It truly is all a matter of perspective. Plus she's cool and I dig that.  Oh, and she can crochet.  See # 11!
13) My favorite game in all of the world is Scrabble (or Words with Friends).  I don't have a vast vocabulary, but that is ok, the app takes care of that for me! Hehehe
14) I am hopelessly addicted to LulaRoe.  I have about a dozen pieces myself and my girls each have a couple pieces.  Yes, we are all hooked!  The colors, the patterns, the way it is ok to have an eclectic style and find things that are marketed just for that sole purpose.  It's like I found a clothing line that just gets me!  That, and they feel like you are in pajamas all day!  #idoclassywell
15) I wrote a paper during my first undergrad talking about VGA (video game addiction). Is it ok now to admit I actually love watching my Mr. play WoW?  Seriously Blizzard rocks out the graphics, story lines, and sound effects.  However, the Mists of Pandoria was a bit, um, not what I was expecting - from a spectator's point of view that is.  A couple of our Littles play too, so it is something everyone can enjoy.
16)  Coffee.  #selfexplanatory
17) I've never really liked the color yellow.  I don't know how it became my go-to favorite color.  Sure, it is cheery and bright and all of that, but honestly I am so much more fond of green.  And white.  Oh, how those two together make me smile.  #cancolorsmakeyouswoon
18)  I love pearls.  It isn't that diamonds aren't pretty, they are, but they are just so - common.  Pearls are elegant and simple, and well, like a diamond have to go through a lot of work to become what they are.
19)  I have a thing for trees.  There is just something altogether majestic about them.  I know it is strange, but I think it must be a reason why I enjoy the outdoors so much.  Forests make me feel at peace.
20) I do not like the tropics, the ocean, or anything where the air is so thick you have to drink it.  Yes, I am that person who will never willingly pay for a vacation to the south.
21) I have ran a marathon.  I think there are several posts on here about my love of running.  I haven't been able to for a really long time now because of my knee.  Everytime I try to start again it gets all wonky on me and I have to stop.  I cry about it.  I miss going out for a run every day.  I miss the feeling of freedom it gave me. I miss that quiet time with God.
22) I hate crowds.  I don't do well in a large group of people. I get completely bent out of shape, I start feeling overwhelmed and after about an hour of it I feel drained of all my life-force.  My Mr.  he is the exact opposite.  He loves it.  We make it work.
23) I love my mini-van.  I'm completely upset that Chrysler did away with the Town and Country, I've owned three of them now over the course of the years.  I can't wait to downsize to an SUV though.  However, Chrysler no longer makes the Aspen, so... #ahemmarketingguys #pullittogetherchrysler
24) I am working on a Bible study to present to the Pastor.  I'd like to teach it on a Wednesday night or something, but we shall see.  I can't take all of the credit for it, it is a collection of studies I have sat in. I am just revising and condensing them into a smaller series.  We shall see how it pans out.
25) I have not had a single drop of alcohol in 62 days.  The best part of that (besides the clarity and lack of empty calories) is that I have not even craved it.  I would like to take this moment and thank the Holy Spirit for his continued work in my life and deep desire to help me become more Christ-like. #ivetakenseveralchancestodothis
26) I am currently reading several books.  While I do love non-fiction, I find that I want to read so many different books that I start them even while reading another.   The results are still in the works, but seeing as how I've done this for at least 20 years of my life, I'm not likely to make a drastic change.  #imightbeabitlikebelle
27)  I am not good with small talk and find general conversation to be a very difficult task for me.  I try really hard to talk with others, but in the end struggle to keep it going.  I don't have the gift of gab or the desire to actually engage in it.  #itisntyouitsme
28) I would rather stay at home than go out.  No, it is true.  I'm not for going out just for the sake of going out.  I am a home body. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the occasional vacation or weekend getaway, it just means that on a daily basis, home is where I prefer to be.  #homeiswheremyheartis #imnotthatexciting
29)  I love to help people.  I'm good with the doing.  But I am not one to insert myself into a situation.  You will have to be direct and ask.  I will then help.  Want me to come over? Ask.  I do not show up anywhere uninvited.  It is just me.  Don't take it personally.  I am not that random show-up-in-your-space-to-be-person.  I think a lot of people in my life take this character trait of mine the wrong way.  #sadly
30) I love to cook.  I would love to have a kitchen the size of my living room and dining room combined.  However, I have this adorably quaint gally kitchen that allows me to use my cooking prowess in a much more conservative manner.  I have to clean as I go, and be selective about what I actually need to own.  In a way, it may be a good thing.  However, when we downsize I will be sure to find a home with a kitchen at least half the size of the house.  #okimaybeexaggerating #ilovetocook

Is it too much to say that I could actually continue on with this list?  I know, there is already a lot to read.  Well, if you have made it this far - congrats!  You have officially used a portion of your life getting to know more about me.  Thank you for that.  Now, if you want to leave a comment I'd like that.  It will have to go under review seeing as how there are those out there who spam and I have to protect all of you from their inappropriate (read that - mean, ugly, hurtful) ways!

Have a good one!


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