Day 3: 2016
Today is the last day of 2016. While many people are preparing for the evening's festivities I will not be. My middle Little asked me, just yesterday, what the big deal was about the new year and I simply told her, I don't know. I have never really made plans for the New Year. Well, there was the year I had just met my Mr. (2013) and he came to my friend's house just minutes before the New Year to share the holiday with me. Otherwise, it has notoriously been a day to sit at home and do, well, nothing! I thought of several different things I wanted to write about today - how this year has been one of constant turmoil, a few struggles, a couple exciting events, and a daily reminder of who I am and where I fit in. You see, there is much I don't share, not because I don't want to, but because I don't know how to. It will come, the words will come and then change will follow; I trust in that. The timing of which is still up in the air. I started this blog po...