Seeking Him

I started a couple of Bible studies/Devotionals to help my heart draw nearer to the Lord and also my husband.  You see there are days when I don't feel like being a loving person.  There are days when it takes more work than I think it should.  This is an ugly truth, but one I won't hide from.

In her book, Wife after God, Jennifer Smith follows up each devotional with a list of journal questions.  I love these.  They are hard, and soul searching.  But they are also good.  They make me think beyond my immediate feelings to those that I have once all of the ickiness is scratched off.  This ickiness is something akin to an outer shell that I put around my heart (thoughts, feelings, etc) when I want to protect myself. 

Anyway, to the reason for this post.  On Day 3 she talks about how God created us because he wanted companionship.  Just as He created Eve for Adam, He created mankind for himself.  What a beautiful thought!  He wanted us ALL, way before our parents' parents' parents' parents were even thought of!  Ladies, we are here on purpose!  (And much to our significant other's thoughts at time it isn't to make their lives a living day in Hades!)

You see, God did so much more than create us, He still pursues us with a desire to have an intimate relationship with us.  For those who have never been courted...God is doing this, for you, right now!  How?  See those beautiful blooms starting to sprout?  The cute little puppy next door?  The laughter of the kids outside playing?  Yes, those!  He knows the things that makes your heart smile and he is wooing you with them!  Sigh....

Here's the thing though.  The biggest part of the whole picture.  There is absolutely nothing you can do to push him away and make him stop loving you.  Nope.  You can't control him.  Not a lick!  He's just gonna be there, doing his thing, loving you and waiting for you.  Because, you see, as much as he longed to meet you, he will never control you.  No.  He lets you set the stage for the relationship.  He lets you control date night, daily phone conversations, time spent with others who are also seeking a relationship with Him.  It is all because of this that the relationship can be so strong.  Girl, it's all in the bag!  You carry this!  It isn't a heavy one either.  (For those of you with Littles and a Mr. that has a lot of stuff, you KNOW how heavy a purse can get!  But this will be the lightest one you will ever carry.)

And here's where I'm going to turn a page and get really deep for a minute.  While I was reading this I got to thinking about why God wanted these relationships with us.  I mean he had the angels, right?  And that is just it.  Yes, he had the angels, but he didn't have those who chose him!  You ask about the evil ones?  The dark ones that disobeyed?  You see, this is how I see it.  Satan was once an angel, but he got selfish.  He didn't want God to share His time with us.  He didn't want God to give us all of the beauty and splendor that the world has to offer.  No.  Even more than that He didn't want us to have an everlasting life in paradise with God.  He wanted all of that for himself.  So what does he do?

Simply this:  He distracts us.  He helps us create the ickiness in our lives.  He doesn't do it point blank, no he does it with little things like, have this drink, those kids don't really are about you, his family  hates you, you are worthless, you aren't smart/pretty enough, he would rather talk to this girl instead of you...All horrible, right?!  And that is just it.  Without the constant time with God, these are the things that are going to control you.  They will beat out and cloud all of the things God is using to court you and woo you to Himself.

And my dear readers, this is also what happens with the Mr.  If you spend more time in the ickiness instead of courting each other, then the relationship starts to crumble.  You need to look at your relationship with the same level of aww as that of the Lord for you.  No, not better than that relationship, because the Lord should be first always, but the next most important relationship you will ever have.  This one even comes before the Littles and the rest of the family.  Why?  Because that is how God designed it.  And He is never wrong :)

Much Love,


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