Seeking Him
I started a couple of Bible studies/Devotionals to help my heart draw nearer to the Lord and also my husband. You see there are days when I don't feel like being a loving person. There are days when it takes more work than I think it should. This is an ugly truth, but one I won't hide from. In her book, Wife after God, Jennifer Smith follows up each devotional with a list of journal questions. I love these. They are hard, and soul searching. But they are also good. They make me think beyond my immediate feelings to those that I have once all of the ickiness is scratched off. This ickiness is something akin to an outer shell that I put around my heart (thoughts, feelings, etc) when I want to protect myself. Anyway, to the reason for this post. On Day 3 she talks about how God created us because he wanted companionship. Just as He created Eve for Adam, He created mankind for himself. What a beautiful thought!...