Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

In case I've never shared this before - I sell makeup.   No, not Mary Kay or Avon, but Younique.  Don't worry, this post won't be a sales pitch, you can stay here and read a while!  Today I was a part of a Small Business Expo in the town next to here.  To be quite honest I was petrified to do this.  I mean here I was going to be in a room with ladies who have done this sort of thing for a long time, but I didn't give into the fear. 

Even though I was there early I was not the first person there.  I got everything set up in a short bit and was quite impressed with how it looked.  Professional - eh, in my mind's eye!  (Of course I have my friend to thank for that, she let me barrow all of her display stuff!)  But again, this isn't even about all of that.  No, it is bigger than that.

People, I did it!  Me!  I put my fears aside, I put my nerves and shakes away and brought out the me that was confident and strong.  I know this had a lot to do with the fact I love the products (it's easy to sell what you love) but also because I got my strength from another source today.  You see, I prayed.  Now, I didn't pray that I would sell a lot of things, that I would make a lot of money, but that I would let the love of the Lord shine through, that I would just be there to meet his people and be a conduit for what may be.  He did it!

Sure, I did sell makeup, I got contacts, I gave away some samples, but most importantly I made friends and conquered a fear.  Have you ever felt that before?  Have you ever beat that voice in our head that told you you couldn't do it?  I am not a public speaker.  I can talk to people I don't know on the phone or over email with no problem; after all, that is what I do for my 9 to 5, but here I had to not only step outside of my comfort zone I had to leap and dance out of it. 

I don't want to sound like I am bragging; I am not.  I am simply resting peacefully in the knowledge that the Lord answered yet another one of my prayers.  He is so incredibly good to me.  Below is my booth. 


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