In a Land Far, Far Away

When I was little I used to wonder what it would be like to be a princess.  In fact, I am sure every little girl has wondered that at some time in their life.  There is something magical about a land far, far away.  Perhaps it is the unknown, or maybe even the romantic idea of a fantasy land waiting for you; a fantasy land full of chirping birds, 70 degree weather, a slight breeze, a perfect sun, and character shaped clouds, yes, a fantasy land.  However, as one grows this fantasy land turns into a reality, a harsh, stark white reality.  But in this reality there is still a longing, a longing to be somewhere else, to know somewhere else.

That is where my thoughts have taken me today.  What would it have been like to have grown up in another country?  I mean someplace like England, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Japan, Israel, or even Australia.  All those places sound so spectacular and amazing, certainly living there, growing up there, falling in love there, raising a family there, and even working there, must be spectacular and amazing too, right?  Then I wonder why, of all the places to be born, I was plunked down in Indiana.  Truly, God had a sense of humor because what magic does this place hold? Seriously, all Indiana has is corn, beans, beef,  and race cars.  (I'd say a decent football team, but I am so NOT a Colts fan!)

Then it hit me.  I live here because this is where I was meant to be.  I mean, what would stop me from having these same thoughts if I had grown up in some other place, married some other man, had some other children, or held some other job?  Nothing would have stopped me.  So here I am, nestled firmly in the crossroads of America, a wife and mother of three, working in a place I love at a job I'm actually really good at, and becoming the person I was always meant to be in the place I was always meant to do it in.

So, this longing I have for a land far, far away will have to be fulfilled by all the vacations I hope to take before I die. 


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