The Adventure of Traveling
Have you ever seen one of those movies where the main character has had to move heaven and Earth to get to their final destination? By this, I mean find any mode of transportation to get them to that place they just had to be at by the end of the movie or the plot would go to the waste side? Well, this last trip that I took was a close runner up to that. I will post some photos and share a little bit about the time spent in Poland later, today I want to share my travel story. Last Saturday morning I began my journey to Poland. My first flight was scheduled to leave at 11:10am. So, naturally I thought if I left my house by 9:30am I would have plenty of time to get there, print my boarding passes, and start my journey. That, my dear readers, was my first fatal assumption. For leaving at 9:30 did not assure me the necessary time for two reasons, first I didn't factor in the time my family would take in saying their goodbyes and sec...