The Power of Routine

There are days when the best thing that can happen is that nothing happens at all.  Well, almost nothing.  These are the days that are started and ended with out hick-ups; the ones that flow solely because they have a routine.  I like that word - routine.  It is a comforting sort of word.  One that implies there will be no surprises and you can bank on what will occur.  For instance today - get up, go to work, go to class, pick up the kids, check school papers, ensure kids are showered, teeth are brushed, and they are snuggled into bed.  These routine items rarely change, at least for this semester.  I am sure the next one will create a new series of events that will define our way of life. 

It is quite funny, not the ha-ha kind, but funny none-the-less how the simplicity of a daily task can make a chaotic, harrowing event pale in comparison.  Perhaps not in the moment, but in the larger scheme of things that event is but a blip on the map of life; something similar to the tiny town I live in.  Why so much about routines today, you ask?  Simply this, a routine is a habit and some habits are good and there is one habit/routine that I am working on setting.  This particular thing is far too important to be just a momentary blip; no, this one has far greater importance.  I am referring to my devotions. 

I would like to encourage you all to form this routine, if you haven't already, but in all honesty today I don't think is a day I want to go there with you.  Instead, I want to keep this light.  Therefore, think back to your day, for those in a different timezone, think back to the prior one.  Was this a day filled with routine?  Did you find it to be comforting and exciting because of it?  Or are you like some of my friends, in such you enjoy constant change?  Did you know that constant change has a routine?

Time to go, I still need to check the free Kindle book list, check in on FB and read some more of my current book before I can tuck myself into bed. Ah...routine, how sweet the sound.


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