Why do today, what you can put off until tomorrow? Or wait, isn't it why put off until tomorrow what can be done today? Oh, I always get it mixed up, but I do know one thing, procrastination always happens when life comes first. Here is why: kids. They don't care that you have homework or even an exam to take. No, they still need fed, taken care of, time spent with, or in other words, bonding. So, what is the one thing that gets pushed aside? Exactly, it isn't just one thing, it is many things, and for me that is anything that takes time away from them. After all, it wasn't their choice that I went back to college as an adult. Nope, no sirree, it was my desire to stay employed that did that. Regardless, I have found that I've become the world's worst procrastinator and in all honesty I can't rightly blame it all on them, as easy as that would be. Now, I'm sure if getting this degree was something I really want...