
So tonight at church the message was on testimonies and how they are a critical part of a Christian's life.  Pastor had 10 passages that he referenced showing the various ways in which testimonies played part in the Bible.  I wrote down, OK, so maybe not wrote, more like swyped, the passages into the mini diary section of my phone (man I love technology); well until I exceeded the 1000 character limit I did.

  1. Psalm 107:2 - "...let the redeemed of the Lord say this..."
    1. Testimonies are vital to our walk with God.
  2. Psalm 66:16 - "...let me tell you what he has done for me..."
  3. Mark 5:19-20 - "...the man went away and began to tell...and all the people were amazed..."
    1. our testimony is to point upward not inward
    2. our testimony should be fresh and up to date and be about our salvation
  4. John 7:7 - "...because I testify..."
    1. God can use my testimony to convict a person
    2. We ought to proclaim the light
  5. Acts 14:3 - "...speaking boldly for the Lord..."
    1. people will take notice when you share about what the Lord is doing in your life
  6. 1 Corinthians 2:1 - "...proclaim to you the testimony about God..."
    1. your testimony doesn't need eloquence
    2. speak from your heart, let it be genuine
  7. 2 Thessalonians 1:10
    1. your testimony has to be believable
    2. as you speak listen to your conscience
  8. 2 Timothy 1:8 - "...don't be ashamed to testify about our Lord..."
    1. your testimony may encourage others
OK - so that is what I was able to capture. It was hard to get it all since I was also trying to listen, then of course with the 1000 character limit thing - but this brings me to my testimony; you know, the one that is relevant, comes from above, not from within, and that is still fresh and new and far from eloquent.

God amazes me.  I mean, here I am, a person, just like everyone else, that was created on purpose by a God who loves me.  And because I am wonderfully made he also knows what it takes to get my attention.  He knows what it is that makes me tick, click, and all those other descriptor words that are me.  This is true for us all.  You see, I have gotten into a place of complacency; a place where I was just going through the motions - church on Wednesdays, church on Sundays, and all the events in between.  Because of this God gave me an amazing gift a chance of a lifetime opportunity, a trip that I will never forget.  He sent me to Israel, now granted, my work actually sent me, but I know that the pieces all fell into place because my Jesus loves me and He had a lesson for me.  So here I was in the place where it all started; the land of the peoples that just like me, where wonderfully and purposefully created.  This place of all places where the life of our Savior was born, grew up, reached the lost, and lived His life as a walking testimony for our Father in Heaven, and ultimately paid the biggest sacrifice for our sins, OUR sins, MY sin, YOUR sin.  He did this all because He loved me/you enough to create us in the first place.  So this trip, which I spent more time in a conference room than out of it, was more than just business for my company, it was business for my soul.  And only a God who loves me that much, would have found the way to give me the practical application that I so desperately seek, in order to bring me this testimony.

With that, I leave you with a piece of me, my transparency in this regard, if you will, for a God that I love only because He first loved me.


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