
Showing posts from 2022

2022 Word of the Year

 This word came to mind a few weeks ago, and try as I might to find something a little more...casual, I could not. Without fail, this word came back time and again through conversation, in reading, and during moments of reflection. Perhaps it was the Lord's way of telling me what I need to focus on and how to make my goals and his will come together. Alignment. By itself, this word is really rather dull; even the dictionary definition lacks excitement.    1. an arrangement in a straight line or in a correct or appropriate relative position(s)    2. a position of agreement or alliance Alignment. Then it hit me. Reflection often has that impact (pun intended)! Think with me for a moment. Have you ever had a horrible backache? One that felt like every single one of your vertebrae was walking helter-skelter on a slippery tight rope? Yet, was clenching every fiber of its construct into a tight ball to ensure it would not fall? Painful, right? Or what about when you m...