Pray, then Listen
I've always been amazed by those who hear the Lord speak to them and they fully know it is Him. I used to long in ways I never understood to have that same thing happen to me. Oh, hear me on this, it wasn't that He wasn't speaking, rather it was I who wasn't hearing. There's Speaking. Then there's Hearing. But both require Listening. Oh, not only to have ears that hear but a heart that listens. A few weeks ago, while doing my morning devotions, I felt the Lord nudging me. Wait, I need to back up a bit. I love learning. Honestly, more than I love teaching and you all know, well at least those of you who have read this blog for any length of time, how much I love to teach. I digress. For the last six months or so I had been doing in-depth Bible studies. Not your run of the mill read and fill in the blank ones, no these were dig-your-heals-in, read the text, learn the original Greek/Hebrew, draw parallels, and expose the very fiber of your soul studies. Y...