The Best Real Life
I have a love-hate relationship with social media. First, I love it simply because I can keep up on many things, most importantly what is going on in the life of my family and friends. Hate, well, because it does nothing more than exacerbate the green feeling I get when I see those highlight reels. Let me explain. How many times do you see people post about the lost job? The broken-down 15-year-old car? The leaking roof? The kid who does nothing but sass back (yes, even though you are a church-going family)? The list goes on and on. Those types of real-life sharings are few and far between. In fact, I am guilty of it myself. Like, who cares about my real-life anyway? How many times do you see people post about little Johnny's first place checkers tournament win, or little Sue's handmade basket - which she just happened to do while underwater in less than five minutes thank you, or Jim-bob's promotion to supervisor first-class special super duper awesome line ...