Together - A Reflection on a Post About Marriage
I read a blog yesterday a friend of mine had shared on her Facebook page. It was about a woman, who after several years of marriage, six children, and countless other life experiences with the man she had married in her early years, still reveled in their love of one another. Sure, the premise of the blog had a physical undertone, but more than that it allowed the reader to relate to the fact - sometimes you just have to come together to get through it together. I know I could relate. This post garnered many comments from other friends, and while I was unable to meet the level of understanding several of the others who commented on the post did, I still understood. You see, unlike many of those who commented, I have been divorced and remarried - this gives a completely different view on the subject. Upon the first read, I was reminded how much stock we place in perfection while in a relationship. We, as a society, have gotten to a point where we believe a relationship ne...