
Showing posts from January, 2017

Day 12: Quote Worthy

Today's journal prompt is brought to you by the letter P (as in the Pinterest) and rhyming sounds put together by none other than Dr. Seuess.  Hehehe...a little Sesame Street throwback for those of you of a certain age! The prompt was to write about a recent quote you've found that is a favorite to you. While I have many favorites and have a page in my Bullet Journal where I've jotted them down, the one I am going to share for this post was actually given an entire page all to itself.  Ok, you get the picture... "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not."  - Dr. Seuss It was just a couple of days ago this quote really clicked into place.  The Mr. and I are in a couple of small group studies at church.   It has been the topics of these classes, mixed with my personal experiences, that have made this so special to me.  I will admit this quote is also the one that has nurtured my desire to write a book....

Day 11: Sidestep

So, at day 11 I think it is time to take a little sidestep.  I have begun this crazy fun thing called Bullet-Journaling.  Did I tell you about this before?  Anyway, this is equal parts creativity, journaling, and planning.  I've found, being three weeks into it, there are many things about it I find time-consuming and not necessary and many things that I love.  I love the list making and organization it affords me.  This is by far its best quality.  Second is the fact I can use my creativity to design the pages.  The thing that I struggle with, and this is probably the thing many people who do this have is a bit timey. All that said, I must admit, it has given me a place to collect all of the randomness that enters my head - all hours of the day.  I've outlines 2 books I want to write, I've jotted down the clips of dreams I remember each night, I've found a way to track my weight loss goal and a unique way to track my savings goa...

Day 10: I'd Hardly Call This A Challenge

Well, it seems I simply do not have the time to complete 30 consecutive days of a writing challenge.  While I admit, I was excited and a bit anxious to begin this, I am most certainly not so good at the following through of it.   Even with all of the writing prompts I have found, and believe, me there are many, many to find, I simply don't have it in me to keep at it with such fervent pace.  Actually, I think a lot of it is more the fact it seems so much like I am forcing the words to come.  There are several posts that were written to near completion that I erased because I felt the words were there simply for the sake of having words, well, there. (This is a good spot for you to inwardly thank me for sparing you the time to read them!) Have you ever done that?  Not even with just writing, but with anything.  You get really excited and over commit yourself to something because, in the beginning, it doesn't seem like it is going to take all that much...

Day 9: The Words on the Pages

Today's blog post topic is surprisingly NOT from a Pinterest find, but rather, an email I received just this morning.  Years ago I signed up for a Scripture Challenge for which the goal was to create a 26 paged 6x6 album where each letter of the alphabet was to be used to study a word from the Bible.  She has, over the years, done many different studies all involving scrapbooking and scripture.  This year, she has decided to focus on journal prompts with a little artistry added in.  Phew...that is a lot to get through to get to my point! Anyhow, she listed 4 prompts today, one for each week of the month.  While all of them are good, and I will more than likely use them all at some point in this challenge, (ok, you know me better than that, I'll shout squirrel and change directions, but for now I'm going to run with this!) I am choosing this one quite purposefully. Do you write in your Bible?  Why or why not, and what do you write? First I need to let ...

Day 8: 3 Lessons

Today's writing prompt was to list three things you want your children to learn from you.  While there are certainly more than three, these are the first three I thought of. 1. That you are never too old to make a goal, have a dream, to wish big.  And while there is no age limit to any of that, there is a level of ownership to making it happen.  I want them to know that hard work and determination accomplishes things because nothing is going to be given to you.  Sure, there will be some goals that are easier than others, and some that no matter how much you put into it, there is no guarantee of success.  However, giving up is a certain way to achieve nothing. 2. That loving others is a choice, just as them loving you back is theirs.  And sadly, in this life you will have people who will not love you back (or even care about you) no matter how much you love them (or try to)...and yes, these are people who may even be family whether by blood or by marriag...

Day 7: A Week Into This Thing

We are officially a week into this new year, and ironically I am writing post 7 (ironic since I actually started this challenge in December!). I read through several of my Pinterest lists this morning for a topic to write on today.  To my chagrin there really wasn't much that sounded fun, insightful, or even interesting - to me. So I decided to mix a couple ideas together for today's challenge.  Instead of making a list of things I want to accomplish in 2017 and instead of writing a letter to someone, I am going to write a letter to 2017. This should be fun!!! Dear New Year (a.k.a. 2017), We are officially seven whole days into welcoming you; at this point in time I'd say the newness has worn off. The sparkle and pizzazz wore off well before the ball dropped and Mariah Carey missed some vocal cues (according to FB - I was in bed for the live showing!). Sure there are those of us who still inadvertently give credit to your predecessor when dating things, like checks and ...

Day 6: Writing All the Stuff

Have you ever found it is so much easier to write than it is to actually talk to people? I have. It isn't that I don't enjoy holding conversations, it is just that I am not really good with small talk.  I get turned inside out and stressed beyond belief, mostly because I do not know how to keep a conversation going.  I envision it is supposed to move and flow like a beach ball at a packed concert. Instead, I'm used to a sudden a very painful way. To me, it is tiring, exhausting, and takes so much of me physically, mentally, and emotionally.  There are some people who confuse this with my being antisocial.  I'm not.  It is simply that I don't have the social graces some were blessed with.  That and the fact I am your textbook introvert.  So what does all of that have to do with today's blog post?  Well, writing of course! Writing, journaling, note-taking, list-making, word-jotting, you name it...I LOVE it!   I think I shared once,...

Day 5 - Better Late Than Never

This post is a few days late.  I'd like to give you a pile of grand reasons, like traveling to a fantastic place, reading a book I just couldn't put down, training for another marathon, you know, all of those things that take a lot of time and would naturally keep me from doing some of the little things I should be doing... Yet the truth of it is - life.  Yep, life happened.  Work-work...housework...sick getting, basically, life.  During this time I have caught up on a few of the daily devotionals I started, one of which was almost 6 months ago!  I love the Bible App on my phone, it gives me the opportunity to find a plethora of wonderful devotionals, which I am better at finding than completing most days.  I've successfully finished a couple of them in the last two days...being sick has its benefits.  I am also on the last chapter of "Crash the Chatterbox" by Steven Furtick. FINALLY!  I started this book months ago, l...

Day 4: New Year's Resolution

I didn't get this post typed up yesterday.  Between church, taking the Little shopping so they could spend their Christmas $$  from their Aunt Jacqui, coming home to play games, and enjoying our first afternoon with the Mr. who just started 1st shift yesterday!!! As an officer, he doesn't get the holiday's off like the rest of us, but as we tell everyone, the bad guys don't take time off...LOL! Instead of finding a writing topic from one of my Pinterest lists, I thought I would share with you the notes I took at church yesterday.  It was an amazing service filled with an abundance of tears and 'amens'. I just love when you can feel the Holy Spirit move a room.  It is a blessing I wish everyone would feel and/or acknowledge. Naturally, the message was centered around the new year, resolutions of a sort, and becoming all that God designed you to be.  The verses the message was centered on are from the Old Testament - 2 Samual 23:8-12 & 20.  If your Bi...