Day 12: Quote Worthy
Today's journal prompt is brought to you by the letter P (as in the Pinterest) and rhyming sounds put together by none other than Dr. Seuess. Hehehe...a little Sesame Street throwback for those of you of a certain age! The prompt was to write about a recent quote you've found that is a favorite to you. While I have many favorites and have a page in my Bullet Journal where I've jotted them down, the one I am going to share for this post was actually given an entire page all to itself. Ok, you get the picture... "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not." - Dr. Seuss It was just a couple of days ago this quote really clicked into place. The Mr. and I are in a couple of small group studies at church. It has been the topics of these classes, mixed with my personal experiences, that have made this so special to me. I will admit this quote is also the one that has nurtured my desire to write a book....