Life Lesson # 568 - Sandpaper
Let's talk abrasives, shall we? I'm just going to put this out here - I'm your quintessential DIY crafter. Yes, I am that woman who gets a novel idea for some grand project, then spends hours scouring Pinterest to find concepts - to you know, kick start the planning process and get the list of essentials. I go at these projects with all the gusto of Martha Stewert on a case of Monster. My Mr. likes to tinker in the garage with all of his fancy wood cutting things while I manage the process. (Hey, it's my blog we can pretend this is the process!) However, one of the things that I actually do love to do, is the sanding. I'm not a pro, but I get excited knowing it is the last step before painting or staining and sealing. I have several grits of paper for the initial scrub down all the way to the fine detail. Sandpaper is an amazing thing you all. I mean, seriously! You know that mind riddle from years back, "if nothing sticks to Teflo...