To be Social
Can I be honest with you? Oh, what the hey, I'm always open and honest with you. (My naysayers will refute that, but we all have them.) This past Sunday in Sunday School we had a lesson that I just cannot seem to shake. There are so many of those aren't there? I actually think many of my posts say, or at least start off saying, the same thing. You see, we were talking about envy. We were talking about those things that we see others have that just makes us second guess ourselves. Now, the teacher he was expecting the normal answers like, "I wish I had $$ like so and so." "I wish my house was as big as..." You get the idea. But before anyone else could chime in I spoke up. I didn't even preface my answer. No, I threw it out there in all of its ugliness. I gave it the spotlight, I bared its simplicity and it complexity. That thing that I wish I had that everyone else has? That thing that I get ...