The Power of Prayer
Let's get a little deep, shall we? This past Sunday, guess that was just yesterday, we had a wonderful service at church. First there was the Sunday School lesson. I'm not going to lie to you, I absolutely LOVE my Sunday School. I don't know if it is the lessons we learn, the conversation, or all of the people in my class. Honestly, I think it is all, because all those things together have grown us all together. I truly find myself without words when I think of the blessing this class has been to my life. However, that isn't the point to this, well, mostly. You see, I have a very bitter heart from time to time. My heart will think the worst of people. It will fabricate the meanest of thoughts and unspoken words. My heart scares me sometimes. I'm quite certain from this utterance you have all counted me as being a vile person and are now forming labels to put on me. That's ok if you are, this is something that is c...