A by-product of Compassion
I have to be honest, there are times when I can't hold on to the joy, the happiness. Now, before you get the wrong idea about what I mean, I need to be completely open here - the underlying thing I'm talking about it the true essence of compassion, but we will get to that. If any of you have followed me for any length of time, and many of you have you know that I've had some ups and downs over the past few years. Now, I won't recount them all because frankly it isn't the basis for this post. I've come to realize that nothing, absolutely NOTHING prepares you for something except to actually go through it! NEWS FLASH!! I KNOW! Here's the thing, while yes, I've been broken, rocked to the core and torn in two, I've also been healed, loved, knitted back together, and blessed immeasurably. True, not each of those things happened in a succinct step-by-step manner, and often times I had to relearn a step or two. Which brings me to where I am r...