
Showing posts from August, 2014

Giving Up

You know that feeling you get when you have been defeated?  First, to give it perspective.  I run.  A lot. I have ran many races 5ks through to a full marathon.  In each and every one of those I have never won, but I  have also never been defeated.  Therefore, the defeat I am speaking of does not compare to this.  The defeat I am talking about is the kind when you have given everything you have, when you have tried and tried and sought and there is simply nothing left and you are left with the exact same result - nothing, that is the defeat I am speaking of.  The kind of defeat I'm talking about leaves you empty.  No, it leaves you more than that, it leaves you void of feeling.  So much so you could almost say you are to the point of apathy.  Have you felt that kind of defeat?  If not, please know you are among the select few who know naught of the soul-crushing agony it evokes.  This is where I am.  I am ...

Sunday School

Do any of  you remember Sunday school from when you were little?  I do.  I remember the felt board stories of those famous Bible characters and how my teachers would bring the lessons to life as they moved them about the board.  Sometimes I miss the innocence of those story boards, of those lessons.  I'd like to say, other than memorizing the story, that I remembered the meaning behind it.  Fast forward a few decades and Sunday school takes on a whole new meaning.  It gets real now people.  It takes those same stories and drives them home.  These are real things that affect real life, today.  I've been struggling with some things for the past several weeks.  There are lessons that I had heard and didn't find their relevance and now, after many deep talks with a man that I've willing given my heart to, there are many that have a one-two punch where it comes to relevance.  I go to his church on Saturday nights and his Past...