Why Does Trust Hurt So Bad?

People, I'm a hot mess. I'd like to say it was all because of something new that is happening in my life, but it isn't; it is the same thing. In the past few weeks and in the next couple, many of my friends have either gotten married or are celebrating their wedding anniversaries. While, yes, I am happy for them and have celebrated with them (attended said nuptials) I am broken over where I am. I am 84 days away from the 2 year mark! 2 years people! I know, I can hear you all now saying "that is all? Give it time Mandy, give it time." Of course, so that you know, those of you saying this are also the ones who I have celebrated with and congratulated in these past weeks. In other words - YOU HAVE NO PERSPECTIVE ON HOW THIS FEELS! Seriously, people who have not been on the receiving end of a divorce DO. NOT. KNOW. HOW. IT. FEELS! And, for those who are remarried from a previous divorce (regardless o...