A Not-So-Gentle Whisper

Life seems to be flying by at a million miles a minute lately. Have you ever felt that way? I'm sure you have. Between the job, and kids, and kids' soccer practices and games, training for this marathon, running races, church, and housework I feel like I am in a constant state of flux. Now, I really like to keep busy. I like to know that there is something to keep me going. We are those kind of people. You know, the kind that simply come home to eat, sleep, and bathe?! Any other time we are out. Doing. Being. Out. Out. Out. (Total perfect in my eyes!) However, I need to be honest with you. Now that the weather is getting nicer and we are all out many, many more hours of the day and days of the week we have had to start pushing off some things. Things like church activities. I told you all a couple weeks ago how I have been torn between two churches, well, that's it. We do go, still, but now o...