Her Tears

The tiny little drops break my heart. Her tears fall warmly onto my shoulder. I can do nothing but hold her and let her know how much mommy loves her. My littlest little cries. A lot. As do most children, but my little girl, she cries because she misses her daddy. Today, while she cried, I cried too. I used to hold them while they cried and tell them everything will be ok. That we were going to be ok. We are. I know that, well someday. Yet today I couldn't not cry. I wanted to stay strong and mom-like for her, but the broken woman in me won. She doesn't come out as much anymore, but she is there, under the surface as a constant reminder to what will never be. And that, that is why I cried today. My tears mixed with her tears. When she told me she missed her daddy, I told her I did too. I do. I miss my family being my family. I miss that we, together, won't be watching our ...