A Weighty Issue
It started in November of 2012. I couldn't eat. I mean, my world had been upended. The Mr. had walked away. I didn't notice it at first. Those first few pounds rarely are noticed, most especially when you are 80 pounds overweight. (According to the BMI chart that is.) By Thanksgiving of that year I noticed that my clothes were fitting just a bit looser. Then I thought, why not? Why not start exercising? At first I did it for all the wrong reasons. I thought what if I could loose weight, that would make him change his mind, right? No. It didn't. But I didn't stop trying. Work out after work out I spent thinking I could win him back by changing the way I look. I mean that was a reason he ran away in the first place. Come New Year's I had lost 22 pounds. Yes, all because of my situation. In the end it didn't work, but my desire to stay in shape had been formed. I started to run....