A New Year's Resolution

This past Sunday at church Pastor gave a message called "This New Year." As the week has unfolded and I've ready many, many Facebook posts regarding resolutions and changes people want to make, coupled with all the challenges that my running groups have put out there, I have decided I'm not making a resolution. It isn't that I don't think I need goals or changes in my life, we all do. Each and everyone of us need a goal and change. We need the discipline that a good goal creates and the necessary pain that change gives. Now, don't misunderstand what I am saying, change for change's sake isn't good, but I think if you were to look deep you'd find one thing. I know I have. Allow me to explain. Year's ago, when I had my first interview for a promotion with my company, I was taken aback by a question the manager asked. I should tell you that I am a very outspoken person (no, it's true!) and in some circumstances, like when I'...