Free Will

Yesterday I shared about how my devotional was spot on with what I'm dealing with, and well, I'm still going back over the ones I've left unread for the past couple months. I shouldn't have, left them unread that is, but I can honestly tell you I wouldn't have really read them anyhow. I had turned my listening ears off because I had turned my way of doing things on. There are a lot of things that happened this summer. A lot of beautiful things and a lot of not so beautiful things. I have a lot of memories that I will cherish forever and some lessons that I wish I would have never learned. I think the hardest lesson, and this will be a post later on, is about the amount of people who will let you go, as a friend, acquaintance, etc because they only want to view one side of a story. Again, we will revisit that later. Back to a bit from today's devotional, which was actually from July 14th. "And your sin isn’t any better!...