I read the other day, while flittering around in cyber-space, that there are three sides to every story - yours, theirs, and the truth. At first I was taken aback a bit by the statement. I mean, after all, aren't we all entitled to our view of something? Then, after sharing this thought with a dear friend, and talking through it with her, the conclusion was drawn that it is assuredly the God's honest truth. See there? Truth. Here's the thing, each of us, yes this includes us all, have our own perceptions. It is our perception that forms our basis of truth. Yet, what is it that forms our perceptions? I think those are formed by our feelings. If it is something that makes us mad, angry, or even hurt, then we have a very dark bend on the the truth. If it is something that makes us happy, glad, or even full then we have a very bright bend on the truth. Honestly, both can be devastatingly wrong, and in some cases damaging to...