You Can't Always Get What You Want

I really felt led to this post today. It's been a couple days in the making really. I have started it a couple times in my head and pretty much scratched it each time. I find that when I get into a particular mood my posts follow suit. Truth, I've had a craptastic week. Yes, for those who don't know what that means - simply, it was not good. Now, I've had some good events, like taking my last finals ever as a college student, but I've also had the unfortunate pleasure of a few lessons learned. Ironic, huh? These lessons I've learned, they aren't exactly new ones. Nope. They have been taught to me before. In fact, to add insult to injury, I was actually able to recall, ver batim, what I learned the first time. And, because there cannot be enough salt in this wound today, I even remember the time, place, and face of the person who taught them to me. Yep, exact same scenario. Man, I...