A Beautiful Tapestry
I was recently told that I am a complex person, but in a good way. Ha! Well, truth, I am complex, good or not. I am really working on this "who am I" thing. I've had some amazing conversations with some wonderful people over this past week. Truth, past several months. Each one has helped me peel back a layer of the person I always thought I was to find the person I really am. You know, its quite funny really, when you look back and realize that you have created an image of yourself based solely off of those things you think others expect you to be. I know. Fake. I hate to admit that. I am actually quite saddened by it. But the cool thing I'm learning is that its ok to be me. I'm an ok person. Who and what I am are good, albeit not perfect - but really, are any of us? Yet, this is where I begin to fight myself. Where I begin to struggle with the real me and the one I created for others. ...