
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Windy City

There are few places on this Earth I truly love.  Truth be told, there are few I have traveled to.  Regardless, there are a few that keep a little piece of my heart each time I go.  There are those places that are awe inspiring and breathtaking, they are precious reminders of God's perfect creation; then there are those that are mostly man made but leave you just as breathless.  (No, I'm not putting man up there with God, sheesh!)  One such place is Chicago. Every single time I go I long for the chance to return.  In fact, when I was little I used to dream of some day moving to the city and finding my prince charming in a magnificent condo on Lake Shore.  We'd take long walks on Navy Pier and Michigan Avenue.  We'd watch the Bears every time they played at home and I'd never be more than a block from a coffee shop.  However, grown-up life isn't like that, but it is just as wonderful.  Because as a grown-up I...

War of the Words

Have you ever been to war?  I'm not talking about war in another country, against a soldier that the government sets you against, either for the right reasons or the wrong.  Before I go any further I should state that I am proud of those who fight for my liberties and that I have heroes in my family that have fought beside the heroes in yours, to which I have honored and supported both.  Now, back to war.  The war I'm talking about is the invisible one that is waged in a person and the war that is waged within a family.  Regardless of intentions there is always a loser.  No one side will reign victorious, especially in the later.  Though some battles may prove victorious, the war as a whole will not.  Well, actually in the former there is a winner, its picking the right side that determines the victory.  If, a year ago this time, someone would have told me that a year from now I would be in the middle of a battle so horrible I wouldn't k...