I Have Nothing To Say
I know, that is astonishing. However, it is quite true. This month is proving to be far worse than last in regards to the number of posts I have made, but yet it seems there is nothing, well, blog worthy going on in my life. Or is it that there is and I don't have the words enough to say it. Nah, it is rather the former than the later. I have kept myself busy with doing quite a bit of canning. Trying new recipes and playing with various ingredients. Who would have thought that as little as 5 years ago, I would have ever found myself enjoying all things this domesticated?! In some sense, I find I rather enjoy this far greater than scrapbooking; which, is rather disturbing considering the amount of money that I have tied up into it! I am 41 books into my goal of 150 for this year and am a bit concerned about my ability to reach it. It is a rather aggressive goal, and one that takes quite a bit of time to complete. You may have ...