
Showing posts from April, 2011

Losing My Gusto

I see that this blog is rapidly becoming another one of those things in which I run at it full speed ahead only to end up completing half of it.  (This is evident by the ever decreasing posts made month over month.)  I have two projects due this week and then finals next week.  I was so gung-ho for this semester to begin.  I had all of the best intentions of being the best student.  I was going to take a plethora of notes, study out side of class and well, be all those things that make a person a great student.  Then the inevitable occurred.  I ended up not doing those things, per se; because you see, I have spent more hours outside of a classroom doors on the one subject than I think I have ever devoted to one thing in my life.  However, the prof just posted the grades today, and...eek...I'm getting a solid B.  Now, I know, some would think that is fantastic, me, that is like second place.  Or in the eyes of a pessimist, the first ...

He is RISEN!

I can't help but to reflect on my recent trip to the Holy Land when I think of today.  I mean, I actually walked the Via Delarosa.  I saw the tomb.  However, even as I think on it my heart grows overwhelmed with love and compassion, an unexplainable amount of gratitude and well, frankly, feelings that no word can describe.  Have you seen Mel Gibson's the Passion of the Christ?  If not, do.  Don't dwell on the person who funded and made it, focus on the story it portrays.  All too often we dwell on the wrong thing.  We keep focused on the wrong perspective.  Just like Mary Magdalene all those years ago when she went to the tomb to mourn Jesus and she mistook the risen Savior for a gardener and it was only when Jesus called her name that she saw that it was him.  (John 20:10-16)  I too got to look into an empty tomb.  I walked a path that millions travel down a year only because one man gave His life for mine and yours.  H...

The Elephant in the Room

So it seems that I am selfish and the world revolves around me.  This is what I was told today.  Perhaps I am, aren't we all at times.  Honestly, if you are telling yourself at this point that that simply isn't a true assessment of yourself then you need to take a long hard look; everyone has a moment, EVERYONE!  OK, now that that is all cleared up I can move on.  So here is why I was told this.  Yes, I am going to share, it would be terrible to start the post with out following up on why I made the opening statement.  So, for those who have followed, my hubby was laid off work, then called back on a less than part time basis, but enough that he cannot file for unemployment benefits to cover the difference.  This week has been a difficult one for me in that it is my oldest daughter's birthday and Easter.  1) we don't have the funds to get her a present let alone throw a birthday party for her and 2) we don't have the extra funds to get Easter...

13 Little Blue Envelopes

This is the name of the book that I read today.  It is somewhat of a coming of age story about a 17 year old girl who is sent on an European backpacking adventure by a deceased aunt.  In this story the girl is to fulfil 13 little quests; each one she is to do only after completing the other.  I laughed, I teared up, I longed for more, I was angered by the injustice, and found myself trying to tell her not to do something.  In the end the book was magnificent.  It was a book that I would have relished a read from when I was that age, knowing that there was a world out there to claim and just now, double the years later, with the guts to actually go out to see it, but with the responsibilities that will not allow it. I cannot say enough about this little book or how anxiously I am awaiting the opportunity to read the next one called "The Last Little Blue Envelope."  (Or at least I think that is what it is called.)  I think back to all the little "roa...

Reading, Writing, and no Arithmatic

We all know that I am a reader.  After all, that is what the premise behind this entire blog is.  However, another passion of mine is writing.  There are times when I just have to get the words out.  When I am in a funk, or have a particularly strong feeling/emotion and I need to pen it.  I believe, also, that this blog has given that understanding as well.  Here's where I'm going with that.  I was reading last night and came to the end of a book, quite unexpectedly and quite upsettingly (the author had a few points she could have wrapped up,  but that is between me and her...LOL!), and pulled out a notebook (I have several lying around in several places all over the house) to write down the titles of the books that had teasers placed at the end of the book I had just finished. (The teasers sounded pretty good, why not pick them up and read the whole thing?)  Anyway, so the notebook I picked up just to happened to be one that I was appar...

Catching Up is Hard to Do

I posted yesterday to my FB page: "Why does not having something to do, feel really like I'm forgetting to do something?"  In a weird way, I feel that same thing today.  I mean, it isn't that I haven't "done" something, it is well, simply, that I have not gone out and "DONE" something.  In fact, it has been a remarkable week in which I have been given the opportunity to "catch up" on things.  Yet, despite that, I find that, eek, that too is not getting done.  Or rather it is, just not as quickly as the getting behind gets done.  I have just started scrapping my oldest daughters vacation pictures from our trip to Chicago in 2008!  I know!  I have so much to catch up on.  In fact, I have a very bad feeling that my children are going to be parents themselves by the time I get the chance to complete their scrapbooks.  Now, that said, I'm sure I am grossly misstating this fact!  After all, I am only roughly three years behind give and...