
Showing posts from January, 2011

A Little of This; A Little of That

There always seems to be a million things to type, when I'm not in a position to do so.  i wonder what would happen if I were to make several posts a day?  Would I be spamming myself?  Would I be letting on that my mind is never at ease, that it is always in a constant flux?  Would this revelation be for the benefit of myself or perhaps that of a stranger passer-by? I had such high hopes for this weekend.  Grand ideas of perfection which I carefully weaved in a story-book-esque manner for myself.  However, real life, in no way shape or form, ever plays itself out in that manner.  Granted, there are some days that are better than others, some in which you never want them to end because they are the glittering hope of idealism made whole.  i get myself in a mental state at times, one in which I wish I was still on Zoloft, where I can not think of anything past the confinements I place on myself.  These are the times that I get so tired....

The Art of Understanding

An ancient Chinese Proverb (as if they aren't all ancient) says; "Seek to understand before seeking to be understood."  I wonder what this world, myself definitely included, would be like if this principle was applied to daily life?  Would there be less strife and anger?  Would there be less hatred and murder?  I heard in church tonight that 11 police officers have been killed in the line of duty in the past 24 hours!  11!  WOW!  Could those have been avoided with some understanding?  Nah, this one probably needs to go into the morality bucket, or rather the lack of.  Sometimes I really wonder about people.  There is no value in human life.  It is a given.  Like as if there wasn't any part to it other than science.   Yet science still, despite prattling off a bunch of facts, cannot account for how science itself began.  Ah the mysteries of the universe.  Yep, you know me - it is what it is and God created it...

The Joy of Everyday Life

I'm the type of person that constantly has to be doing something.  Be it, at home, at work or elsewhere.  I like to stay occupied.  Perhaps I am ADHD or I suffer from extreme bouts of boredom, who knows really?  For instance, this moment, I'm typing away at the keyboard, I have the balance of my homework to read, the dishes to finish, a scrapbook layout I want to start and at least another couple of chapters in the Hound of the Baskervilles I want to read.  All this and beddy-by no later than 9pm (T minus 3.5 hours and counting.)  So, again, is this a short attention span, a case of "I can't stand to do the same thing for long periods of time without the option to break up the monotony of it'" or a great example of multi-tasking?   I think I will go with the later as it gives me the appearance of effective use of time. There are days that I just want to rant, to point out all the things that rub me the wrong way about other people.  In fact...

This Old House

Well, today started out holding a lot of promises:  A divisional championship; which was ripped from our (Chicago Bears) hands because the other team was hungrier for it and played like it.  A Sunday filled with normalcy; which was abruptly halted by our 85+ year old plumbing system.  Oh yes, the joys of home ownership.  So here it is, 7:30 pm and we still do not have the ability to use our drains.  Hubby and baby bro (our family's Bob Villa) have had a lengthy conversation on how to fix this issue.  Me, well I know when to be a spectator and when not to...this was the not to. I finished 2 books this weekend.  Now I know that sounds like it is an amazing feat, but truthfully the second book was only 200 pages and the first barely 300.  I did start reading Sherlock Holmes The Hound of  the Baskervilles, and surprisingly I find myself enjoying Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writing style as well as the character of Sherlock.  He cracks me up, ...

Why is Whit Always at His End?

Ok, so 10 hours at work followed by tons of HW intertwined with house work, followed by more work on the church website, followed by my need to type.  For all this I am at my whits end.  Is it too much to ask for to have good, focused help?  It really makes me wonder why more people can't be multitasking, focused, follow-thru oriented people.  Then I realize, we are all made in the image of God.  That each and every one of us are created for a purpose by a loving and caring God.  He designed us with our own abilities in which we can serve Him and reach the lost.  Though this revelation is too late in the coming and the stress induced night I am in the process of bidding good-bye to is ending it is a fact none the less. I do often wonder, what this world would be like if more people were like I wanted them to be.  In my head it seems idyllic almost dreamlike.  Then the reality of it, is well, boring.  Me, I'm not much of a fun one to be...

You Can't Fix Stupid

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times before, you simply just can NOT fix stupid.  However, today, this applies directly to me.  How, you may ask, well simple I am not website creator!  I don't get it.  It is Greek, Latin, Russian, Swahili, and all those other impossible to understand languages rolled into one string of funky characters with intermittent words.   Which is why I have failed, yet again, in the attempt to make a functioning website for my church.  Praise the Lord for my extremely intelligent tech savvy best friend, Sarah, who can create websites, (she does this for a living!) and her amazing ability to be patient with me.  Still, with all of that, I found myself in tears many times tonight attempting to figure it all out.  This all of course seems odd, considering what I do for a living.  As a systems administrator one would think that I have the ability to understand all the geek spe...

This Seems Endless

I'm reading a new book.  I know, I know...surprise, surprise.  It isn't that I don't long to do other things with my day, I mean after all, when I got home from an 11 hour day at work hubby and I talked...ok, so we said a couple of sentences.  The girls and I spent time together and then we all cleaned the kitchen and cooked dinner.  Now that the girls are getting ready for bed, here I sit tapping away with the vaguest of ideas as to what I will talk about! I am happy to say that this calorie counting thing has took a turn for the positive.  I have lost 2 pounds since last Monday when I last weighed in.  Two stinking pounds!  Yes that is one...two... not exactly what I was looking for.  Especially since I feel like I have all but starved myself for a week straight.  No, really I can't say that.  I have read product labels, measured out portion sizes, consumed enough water to make a fish envious and still only 2 pounds.  Yes, they ...

Boredom is a Dangerous Place for an Unstable Mind

So today my boys beat the SeaHawks!  Super sweet.  Next we play the Pack.  I truly hope we win.  If we play like we did the first half of today's game there shouldn't be much of an issue.  However, something tells me the game will be a blood bath. I finished the book I talked about yesterday and am half way through another.  What can I say, I'm addicted to books.  Which brings me to what my mind keeps going to.  Today the message was on seeing people the way that God sees them.  That all people are the same in his eyes; poor and rich alike.  All people have the potential to be what God has designed them to be.  That stray thought came into my head again about writing.  Is this something that I am truly good at?  I mean I really would like to get a degree in English, even if I only take it as a minor.  Is this my passion?  Is this my talent?  Is this the tool in which God will use me to fulfill His will for...

The Ramblings of a Busy Mind

So, it has been a few days.  I can't say that I haven't thought to write, but there never seemed to be a direct topic to discuss.  Then I got to thinking, do I always have to have a direct topic to cover?  Can not the things I am thinking be enough?  Well, of course they can, this is after all, my blog; which, covers all aspects of my frame of reference. I started school this week.  Yes semester ### of ###.  Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be done.  I will probably be graduating college with my oldest daughter at this rate, but even if I do, that means that she too will have accomplished an amazing goal and something that her father and I hope for her.  I have Operations Management and Business and Professional Speaking.  I much prefer the later of the two courses, but know that both are requirements for this degree.  I am still contemplating minors in English and Creative Writing.  The former of which I only need 2 mo...

Inspired by Fiction

I just finished an amazing book.  It is called: Stuck in the Middle .  It is about the life of a middle sister.  I found it on the free download list for the Kindle and thought I would give it a go.  Oh My!  This was a super super fast read and worth the couple of hours it took to finish it.  I thought it was going to be a romance, seeing as how that was the search criteria I had entered, but it was so much more than that.  In fact, it wasn't much of a romance at all.  Granted it had its moments, but I was so much happier in the way the book developed.  There are times in my life that I feel like the main character, Joan.  It is funny that seeing the way the Lord works through people seems to be a draw to me, as it was for Joan, and yet I struggle to see how He works in my life, much the same as her.  I guess what I am trying to say, is though this was a true work of fiction, the author definately had a way of creating her ch...

Hopeless Romantic

So, this weekend I've read yet another romance novel and am half way through another.  What can I say, I am hopelessly addicted.  Perhaps it isn't so much the process of reading that I am addicted to, but rather, the words.  It amazes me that so many different authors have such an amazing way with words.  I get rather saddened when I reach the end of a book and find that there is no epilogue, or when there is, it hasn't answered all the questions I have about the characters.  I understand that a book, such as life itself, cannot go on forever, and that as a work of fiction it truly is just an outline that has been expanded upon.  Perhaps this pull towards these books is merely a yearning that all girls have for a Cinderella-esque love story of their own.  Could you imagine what life would be like if every person was able to have this same story book experience?  Well, outside the sheer logistical impossibility of it all, I think this world could...

Complexity needs Guidance

This will be short and possibly sweet. People never cease to amaze me.  In particular the ones who, in one sitting tear another to pieces with words regarding a situation and lead you to a path of belief in as many steps, then turn around and ooze a false compassion for the spotlight.  It makes my wonder really, how beyond pathetic their life must be, that they feel the need to create this air of superiority for attention.  Another thing that is truly frustrating is the amount of time that is wasted in the desire to rectify a wrong that was never created from the receiving end.  Perhaps there are things that need nothing but the ability to type them out.  However, how long does arms length need to be to gain the focus?  How often is the other cheek turned.  I know that as a Christian I am commanded to forgive 7x7.  Yet, I wonder, in all the inherent bend towards the human nature, the ability to gain the strength to do so is...

Deflated, Thankful and Inquisitive

Have  you ever gotten so excited about something, or had something to say, that you felt was immensely profound, and right when you get to the moment of release - nothing happens?  This nothingness that comes on because: 1) you weren't fast enough to begin the conversation, 2) someone else was quicker to cut the other person off mid sentence to get their two cents in, 3) you decided that perhaps it wasn't so profound due to the new direction the initial conversation is going?  Yep, I'm deflated.  Which, happens more often than I care to admit.  Now I know I shared with you my ability to speak what I think - yeah, that is true, BUT it comes only when the opportunity strikes.  And, well, this evening was not my turn. Regardless, I had an insightful day and need to get it off my chest.  First, nothing brings more clarity to life than having someone listen to you.  So there I was driving to class this afternoon and talking to my grandma, w...

I Wouldn't Call This a Roll

So here I am, day 2.  I need to let you know that I was anxiously awaiting this evening so I could begin to type away at my keyboard.  There is this quasi-euphoric feeling I have in delivering this to the unknown masses, of at least one. I initially propositioned this blog as being a chronicle of sorts for my reading escapades.  However, I feel that I may have to mutate that original concept.  Oh, don't get me wrong, I really do read too much, and I probably will share with you a thing or two about a book or two, but I have something I think to be exceedingly interesting to talk about.  You see, I posted on my FB account for some insight into the world of bloggerdom and I received such an amazing reply from my friends that perhaps I will make this more about: 1) My family  -  thanks to E, M & L 2) My hobbies/interests - thanks to A, N, J & K 3) Myself (Vainness.  Yes it is a horrid character trait, but alas we all, at ...

Getting Started

It is quite funny how dependant we are on computers, yet I sit here and find myself struggling to do such a simple thing as create this blog.  The muse for this really was from a friend who decided to chronicle her New Year's resolution through a blog.  However, I do not see that being the route I will take.  First, I have not made a New Year's resolution.   Second, I am not all that good with follow through on those types of things, I am much more of a buddy system advocate.  Third, well, it seems like a fun thing to try.  No, really, I need a place to store up a list of the books I myself have read.  I read for hours and hours a week, yet in the end cannot remember a vast majority of what I read.  In fact, this past summer, as I was going through a box of books at my mom's I grabbed one simply because the title was catchy.  I got a paragraph into and realized I had already read the book before.  That lead me to remember all that I...